No dia seguinte a ter regressado a Lisboa após a última fase do Hajj, estava na Marina de Oeiras com uns amigos quando, alertado pelo barulho de um motor a pistão, olho para o céu e vejo um avião ligeiro a passar por cima. A ideia de tirar o brevet assaltou-me de imediato o pensamento. Por incrível que pareça, tendo em conta que sempre tive uma ligação muito estreita com o mundo da aviação, nunca quis ser piloto. Nunca tive essa ânsia, especialmente no que se refere a Linha Aérea.
The day after returning from the last phase of the Hajj, I was spending a good time with friends at Marina de Oeiras when I was distracted by the roar of a piston engine and when I looked up to the sky I saw a light aircraft passing over. Immediately, I thought it would be a nice idea if I got a PPL licence. It sounds unlikely but I never wanted to be a pilot despite my close link with aviation since my childhood. I never really had that urge.
The day after returning from the last phase of the Hajj, I was spending a good time with friends at Marina de Oeiras when I was distracted by the roar of a piston engine and when I looked up to the sky I saw a light aircraft passing over. Immediately, I thought it would be a nice idea if I got a PPL licence. It sounds unlikely but I never wanted to be a pilot despite my close link with aviation since my childhood. I never really had that urge.
Também nunca sonhei ser Tripulante de Cabine e, sendo-o por mero acaso da vida, confesso que gosto bastante do estilo de vida que a profissão me proporciona. O poder conhecer o mundo, lidar com diferentes culturas, a imprevisibilidade e a diversidade da operação ACMI são tudo aliciantes que para um jovem como eu proporcionam uma experiência extremamente enriquecedora e que nos permite crescer como cidadãos do mundo. Sinto-me feliz com o que faço.
I also never imagined becoming a Flight Attendant although I can say that the lifestyle totally suits me. Traveling, knowing the world and different cultures, the diversity of the unpredictable ACMI operation are the main appeals for a young guy like me that provide a unique experience and make me grow as a citizen of the world. I'm really happy with that.
Contudo, quando olhei para aquele avião ligeiro o que pensei foi "se andar de bicicleta me dá um gozo tremendo aquilo também deve ser divertido!". Pensei também nas excelentes tardes de convívio aeronáutico, em que se fala de tudo um pouco, a beber bejecas, que passo de vez em quando no aeródromo de Tires, na companhia de bons amigos. A ideia do brevet surge, portanto, apenas no contexto de um hobbie, uma diversão! E agora que tenho um emprego, até tenho alguma margem de manobra para sustentar um hobbie que é forçosamente um hobbie caro!
However, when I saw that little airplane I had this thought "if cycling is funny and I really enjoy it, flying must also be fun!". I also recalled the nice afternoons of convivial atmosphere about aeronautical subjects I spent at the aerodrome of Cascais, in company of good friends. So the idea of a pilot's licence emerges only in a hobby sense of purpose! And now, that I was already earning my own money, I could pay for it. Even if this hobby is a very expensive one!
Quando ainda estava no meu curso de formação para PNC, um dos instrutores avisou que, dada a alteração de vida que a profissão iria implicar, possivelmente os nossos amigos passariam a ser apenas amigos do meio da aviação. Olhei para o meu caso e sorri. Todos os meus amigos com quem tenho um convívio mais próximo já eram desse meio e nem sequer estava a trabalhar na aviação! Tal situação passou a ser ainda mais estrita quando em 2003 mudei de casa e afastei-me de vizinhos, colegas das escolas primária, preparatória e secundária!
Alguns desses amigos começaram a tirar o brevet bem cedo e por isso mesmo acaba por ser inevitável que uma vez por outra me convidem para dar uma voltinha pelos ares (eles bem sabem que eu odeio!).
When I still was in my Cabin Crew course, one of the instructors told us that our new lifestyle would probably imply that our circle of friends will be made of people from aviation. I thought about my own case and I smiled. All of my closest friends are already people I met through aviation and I didn't need to be a professional for it to happen. That fact became even more evident when I moved home in 2003 and lost contact with my old neighbors and school friends!
Some of my aviation friends started their PPL course very early in age and from time to time they invite me to fly with them.
18 Agosto | August 2007
Cascais - Santa Cruz - Cascais
After a last minute change, our route would take us to Santa Cruz instead of Santarém. The sky was blue but a little bit windy. The airplane for this flight was the best from our Aero Club's fleet: the Cessna 172 with tail number CS-DIH!
The pilot for this flight would be a good old friend of mine. Another friend of us was also invited. Beside the aviation link, we all attended the same engineering school and we built a strong friendship over the years.
Como justa homenagem, e porque não o consegui evitar nas fotografias que tirei, aqui fica o retrato do nosso piloto durante o walkaround ao avião!
And now, the photos of our pilot during the mandatory and "thorough" walk-around inspection to our C172!
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Verificação do leme vertical... Vertical stabilizer/rudder... |
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Engine on contition |
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Flaps |
Check da quantidade de combustível, a fazer lembrar os mecânicos da minha companhia quando vão lá em baixo com os drip-sticks confirmar a quantidade de combustível a bordo ;)
The fuel quantity check made me remember when the ground engineers of my airline go down there with their drip-sticks to confirm the quantity on board since it was a more accurate measure than those indicated by the fuel gauges in the cockpit.
The fuel quantity check made me remember when the ground engineers of my airline go down there with their drip-sticks to confirm the quantity on board since it was a more accurate measure than those indicated by the fuel gauges in the cockpit.
Entregue o plano de voo no ARO do aeródromo e finalmente estávamos "ready to go"!
The flight plan was filed in the ARO of the aerodrome and finally we were ready to go!
Enquanto taxiávamos, preparava-se para descolar um Seneca da Academia onde os meus dois compinchas se encontram actualmente a estudar para serem pilotos de linha aérea!
While we taxied to the runway, a Seneca of the flying Academy where my those two friends got their frozen ATPL, was already lined up for take-off.
The flight plan was filed in the ARO of the aerodrome and finally we were ready to go!
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Pre-flight checks... |
While we taxied to the runway, a Seneca of the flying Academy where my those two friends got their frozen ATPL, was already lined up for take-off.
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Autódromo do Estoril, também conhecido por "Alpha point" Estoril's racetrack, know as "Alpha point" |
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A sombra do nosso teco-teco! The shadow of our airplane! |
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Em direcção ao Cabo da Roca Heading towards Cabo da Roca |
Após o lanche num restaurante-bar junto ao aeródromo e observação de algum movimento local, hora de fazer o percurso inverso!
After a quick snack in a bar/restaurant near the aerodrome and after spotting some of the aerodrome's movements, it was time go back to Cascais!

After a quick snack in a bar/restaurant near the aerodrome and after spotting some of the aerodrome's movements, it was time go back to Cascais!
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Ericeira e o famoso Vila Galé View over Ericeira |
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Foz do Lizandro Mouth of the Lizandro river |
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Praia de São Julião São Julião beach |
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Farol do Cabo da Roca - ponto mais ocidental da Europa Lighthouse of Cabo da Roca - westernmost point of Europe |
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Avenida Marginal |
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Olhando para a baía de Cascais, estamos a chegar... Looking to Cascais bay, we're arriving... |
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Casino Estoril |

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O comboio que passa... The train goes by... |
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Perna base para a pista 35 Base leg for runway 35 |
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E um olhar final para a linha de Cascais And a final view over Cascais |
À chegada, bastante vento e rajadas que faziam uma das asas cair repentinamente durante a aproximação final. Mas como o piloto até é um tipo minimamente skilled, a coisa foi dominada, sempre com a supervisão do instrutor que ia ao lado! ;)
At arrival, we felt lots of wind and gusts that made our final approach very bumpy. But because our pilot was skilled, he managed to achieve a great landing under the supervision of his Flight Instructor! ;)
At arrival, we felt lots of wind and gusts that made our final approach very bumpy. But because our pilot was skilled, he managed to achieve a great landing under the supervision of his Flight Instructor! ;)
E aqui fica o relato de um dia muito bem passado no intervalo de outros voos profissionais. O blog promete regressar aos mesmos brevemente (novamente a FL410 e M.84!).
And this was my report of a great aeronautical day between my professional flights as a Flight Attendant. Our blog promises to return soon with more flight reports - again at FL410 and M.84.
PS: fico à espera de mais convites deste tipo!
PS: and I'll keep waiting for more invitations like this!
And this was my report of a great aeronautical day between my professional flights as a Flight Attendant. Our blog promises to return soon with more flight reports - again at FL410 and M.84.
PS: fico à espera de mais convites deste tipo!
PS: and I'll keep waiting for more invitations like this!