LisbonJet's Logbook
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Going to HELsinki: pre-departure post!

Until today I never made a bid to go anywhere so I've earned many points to spend. The original plan was a stay at Moscow together with my friend Avelar, but burocratic issues with visas lead us to Helsinki instead.

For me it's a great opportunity to have a break in so many flights and hours I've been doing latelly. It will be a week without airplanes: yeah, I agreed with António not even to think about planespotting at Vantaa ahaha!
I also have some kind of fascination for nordic countries and I'm really hoping to have a good time knowing Helsinki and its people. We already did some homework and we now have some ideas on what we should visit there.
Maybe we will also pay a visit to Tallin in Estonia.

We will be departing this evening and we will keep you updated during our stay! Now I'm going to pack my things :)

Long time, no post

Hey guys :)

Sorry for not giving too much attention to this blog in the last months but time has been lacking!

Time goes by so fast for those who work! I just cannot believe that I started working more than 2 years ago. It seems like it was yesterday and my life changed so much since then. I think I grew up as a person.

For many friends and relatives it was really weird to see a future engineer becoming a Flight Attendant. I did things my way and I don't regret it at all.

But planes are not everything in life. I still love what I do but these days I've been feeling less enthusiastic about airplanes. And of course the good old Ten Eleven was really THE plane and not a banal Airbus. On the other I'm enjoying the other good side of my job which are the people we know everyday.

So many stories are yet to be narrated and many of them from the time I worked for Luzair. It's so sad for me to realise that they stopped flying almost a year ago. I've got so fond memories from the time I spent there and I'm really hoping they will soon regain their wings, now with a 2nd hand Boeing 767.

Last months I've been flying a lot and time to write here has been nil. Also, soon I will try to finish some old projects of mine which were halted when I started working and I'm also in the process of getting my PPL license! It's just crazy to be involved in so many things at the same time but I really need new challenges and I'm confident I will succeed :)

Nevertheless that does not mean the blog will end. Just pay a visit to it at least once a month and a new post may show up.

Finally, I would like to suggest you to pay a visit to the blog of one of my best friends which will spend a time enjoying Florida skies and beaches! Maybe I will join them in my holidays!

Cya! :-)

(yes, I think I will be writing in english from now on!)