Just before Christmas
Dia 22 de Dezembro de 2007 pela manhã, estava eu no quentinho da minha cama quando me telefona o Nuno das escalas a informar que tinha um voo para fazer ao fim da tarde para Luanda.
In the morning of 22nd December 2007, I was still in bed when I received a phone call from the Crewing Department informing that my next flight would be that afternoon.
Dia 22 de Dezembro de 2007 pela manhã, estava eu no quentinho da minha cama quando me telefona o Nuno das escalas a informar que tinha um voo para fazer ao fim da tarde para Luanda.
In the morning of 22nd December 2007, I was still in bed when I received a phone call from the Crewing Department informing that my next flight would be that afternoon.
Iríamos posicionados para Luanda no voo 257 da TAP Portugal, para efectuarmos no dia seguinte, em serviço, um Luanda-Porto para a TAAG. Foi um charter de Natal que surgiu para a nossa companhia à ultima da hora e, como tal, apanhou-nos de surpresa.
We would be deadheading to Luanda in TAP flight 257, so the next day we would be working on a Luanda-Porto flight operating for TAAG. It was a last minute Christmas charter requested to our airline, thus completely unexpected.
Pedi, assim que pude, a composição da tripulação da TAP a um amigo meu que tem acesso ao portal interno de tripulações da TAP. Infelizmente, não há ninguém meu conhecido no voo. Contudo, fico a saber que o avião é o A340-300 CS-TOA, aquele que aparece normalmente nos postais e nos recortes publicitários - o flagship da TAP, portanto. Nunca tinha voado neste tipo de avião, seria uma estreia!
I asked a friend of mine with some inside information to tell me which aircraft and who was the crew assigned for that flight. Unfortunately I didn't know anyone but the aircraft would be the A340-300 with reg. nr. CS-TOA. This was the first A340 delivered to the airline and it is the aircraft used most of the times for marketing purposes - the flagship of TAP. It would be my first time flying on a A340!
Fui o primeiro da minha tripulação a chegar ao aeroporto. Assim que todos chegaram, o check-in foi efectuado de forma rápida, escolhemos os jornais e revistas para levar para bordo e dirigimo-nos imediatamente para a porta de embarque.
I was the first crew member to arrive at the airport. As soon as everyone arrived, we all checked in, picked up some complimentary newspapers and magazines and went immediately to the boarding gate
Calhou-me o lugar 24F, portanto, nos lugares do meio, nem à coxia nem à janela. Mas íamos toda a tripulação de cabine juntos.
I was seated in 24F, a middle seat without direct access to the aisle, but all crew members were seated together.
Boarding was done through door 2L and in the end it was noticeable that the aircraft was not full. TAP's cabin crew was helpful with passengers trying to accommodate their hand luggage. TOA named "Fernão Mendes Pinto" was indeed the aircraft for this flight. Because it was already night time I didn't take any photos of the aircraft but here's a beautiful air-to-air beautiful picture of this aircraft still in its previous color scheme.
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Airbus A340-300 CS-TOA |
Fecho de portas, taxi para a pista 03 no aeroporto de Lisboa e a típica descolagem molengona do A340. Mas, para mim, o mais impressionante é o silêncio dos motores mesmo durante a descolagem! Não sei se terá sido da zona onde descolei, mas se não fossem os solavancos ao percorrer a pista e olhar para fora e perceber que estávamos a ganhar velocidade, acho que nem notaria que estávamos a descolar. Muito diferente do avião em que trabalho! Potência não lhe falta e as forças de aceleração são sempre notórias além de ser mais ruidoso.
Doors closed, taxi to runway 03 at Lisboa Airport and there we were for a typical lazy take-off of the A340-300. The quietness of the engines even during take-off is surprising. Maybe because the zone where I was seated was shielded from the noise by the wings. If it was not for the bumps during the take-off run It would be hard to figure out we were actually gaining speed for a lift off! Very different from the aircraft I work on - it has plenty of engine power and the accelerating forces and illusions are quite noticeable beside being also noisier.
A razão de subida do A340, também como habitual, foi muito fraca e alguns minutos depois fizémos a volta pela direita em direcção a Luanda. Abandonámos Portugal sensivelmente à vertical de Faro, facto que podia ser constatado através do Air Show. O A340, ao contrário dos A330, não possui as PTVs em classe económica - sistema individual de entretenimento - mas sim monitores colectivos dispostos ao longo das bagageiras centrais.
As expected, after take-off we were developing a shallow rate of climb and soon the A340 banked to the right as we rolled and headed towards our intended route. We left Portuguese coastline over Faro. TAP's A340s don't have PTV's in economy class which contrasts with their A330s where everybody onboard has its individual screen.
Enquanto isso, a tripulação da TAP estava já a preparar o serviço de bordo e distribuíram entre os passageiros o menu com as opções possíveis.
As we were climbing, TAP's crew was already preparing the first meal service and distributing the menu describing the available options.
Caso me fosse possível escolher, a minha opção iria recair indiscutivelmente sobre o Tortellini de Carne. E assim aconteceu. Estava bom, embora achasse que fosse pouco - fiquei com fome!
If there were still options available I was to choose the Tortellini. I was happy to have it - it was tasty though the quantity was not enough for me... I remained hungry!
O voo de 7H15 decorreu durante a noite com o amanhecer a acontecer cerca de meia hora antes do top of descent.
This night flight had a total duration of 7H15 with the sun starting to rise half an hour before the start of the descent.
Aterragem suave na pista 23 de Luanda (LAD) a culminar um voo absolutamente tranquilo sem altos nem baixos. Portanto, boa prestação da tripulação.
The smooth landing at runway 23 of Luanda airport ended a quiet flight with a good crew performance.
Estacionámos entre um 747-300 da TAAG com matrícula D2-TEB e entre um 777 da mesma companhia (D2-TED) no activo apesar de terem sido banidos nos voos para a Europa e de não possuírem certificação ETOPS nos voos para o Rio.
We parked between a 747-300 of TAAG (D2-TEB) and a 777 from the same company (D2-TED).
Doors closed, taxi to runway 03 at Lisboa Airport and there we were for a typical lazy take-off of the A340-300. The quietness of the engines even during take-off is surprising. Maybe because the zone where I was seated was shielded from the noise by the wings. If it was not for the bumps during the take-off run It would be hard to figure out we were actually gaining speed for a lift off! Very different from the aircraft I work on - it has plenty of engine power and the accelerating forces and illusions are quite noticeable beside being also noisier.
A razão de subida do A340, também como habitual, foi muito fraca e alguns minutos depois fizémos a volta pela direita em direcção a Luanda. Abandonámos Portugal sensivelmente à vertical de Faro, facto que podia ser constatado através do Air Show. O A340, ao contrário dos A330, não possui as PTVs em classe económica - sistema individual de entretenimento - mas sim monitores colectivos dispostos ao longo das bagageiras centrais.
As expected, after take-off we were developing a shallow rate of climb and soon the A340 banked to the right as we rolled and headed towards our intended route. We left Portuguese coastline over Faro. TAP's A340s don't have PTV's in economy class which contrasts with their A330s where everybody onboard has its individual screen.
Enquanto isso, a tripulação da TAP estava já a preparar o serviço de bordo e distribuíram entre os passageiros o menu com as opções possíveis.
As we were climbing, TAP's crew was already preparing the first meal service and distributing the menu describing the available options.
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Menu |
If there were still options available I was to choose the Tortellini. I was happy to have it - it was tasty though the quantity was not enough for me... I remained hungry!
O voo de 7H15 decorreu durante a noite com o amanhecer a acontecer cerca de meia hora antes do top of descent.
This night flight had a total duration of 7H15 with the sun starting to rise half an hour before the start of the descent.
23 Dezembro | December 2007
23 Dezembro | December 2007
Aterragem suave na pista 23 de Luanda (LAD) a culminar um voo absolutamente tranquilo sem altos nem baixos. Portanto, boa prestação da tripulação.
The smooth landing at runway 23 of Luanda airport ended a quiet flight with a good crew performance.
Estacionámos entre um 747-300 da TAAG com matrícula D2-TEB e entre um 777 da mesma companhia (D2-TED) no activo apesar de terem sido banidos nos voos para a Europa e de não possuírem certificação ETOPS nos voos para o Rio.
We parked between a 747-300 of TAAG (D2-TEB) and a 777 from the same company (D2-TED).
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Asa do A340 da TAP
TAP A340 wing |
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TAAG 777 D2-TED |
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777 D2-TEE e dois 737-200 da TAAG
777 D2-TEE and two 737-200 of TAAG |
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TAAG 747-300 D2-TEB |
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O 'nosso' A340 após o desembarque
Our A340 after disembark |
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727s da SonAir e o 777 D2-TED a ser fornecido pelo catering Sonair 727s and 777 D2-TED being serviced by a catering truck |
A minha tripulação ficou instalada no Hotel Trópico onde ficam também as tripulações da TAP. Chegámos bem a tempo do pequeno almoço. A estadia em Luanda seria bastante curta pois tínhamos voo para fazer mais logo à noite. Portanto, só deu para descansar.
We stayed at Hotel Trópico in Luanda, the same hotel for TAP crews. We arrived at the hotel just in time for breakfast before our minimal rest. Our flight was scheduled to depart at night.
Ao nosso lado estava estacionado um 777-300ER da Air France e o que mais me chamou a atenção foi uma mesa e uma balança improvisada no final das escadas de embarque onde pesariam (e provavelmente também mediriam) sem margem para erro as bagagens de mão dos passageiros! Nunca tinha visto tal!
Beside our L-1011, a 777-300ER of Air France caught my attention because during boarding (by steps) there was installed in the tarmac a balance and sizer where ground staff weighed carry-on baggage before passengers could board in order to avoid excess baggage in the cabin... Always a problem in Africa flights.
Como se pode verificar na foto anterior, o 777 da TAAG com matrícula D2-TED encontrava-se na mesma posição em que o tinha visto de manhã e agora com as logo lights acesas.
TAAG's 777 registered D2-TED was in the very same position as in the morning and still with its logo lights turned on.
We stayed at Hotel Trópico in Luanda, the same hotel for TAP crews. We arrived at the hotel just in time for breakfast before our minimal rest. Our flight was scheduled to depart at night.
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A avenida do Hotel Trópico e a publicidade à cerveja Cuca "Rua da Missão" avenue in Luanda |
Ainda ficámos alguns minutos à espera no lounge da TAAG que o nosso L-1011 aterrasse e assim que ele chegou, lá fomos nós preparar mais um voo.
When we arrived at the airport we were on time to see our L-1011 landing while we waited comfortably at TAAG's lounge. The aircraft came from Lisboa.
When we arrived at the airport we were on time to see our L-1011 landing while we waited comfortably at TAAG's lounge. The aircraft came from Lisboa.
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Cabine equipada com os encostos de cabeça da TAAG Our L-1011 dressed with TAAG's headrests |
Beside our L-1011, a 777-300ER of Air France caught my attention because during boarding (by steps) there was installed in the tarmac a balance and sizer where ground staff weighed carry-on baggage before passengers could board in order to avoid excess baggage in the cabin... Always a problem in Africa flights.
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777 da Air France e a curiosidade da balança no final das escadas! Air France 777 and the improvised balance at the base of the steps! |
TAAG's 777 registered D2-TED was in the very same position as in the morning and still with its logo lights turned on.
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À espera dos passageiros...
Waiting for passengers... |
O voo Luanda-Porto não foi particularmente fácil, mas também não estávamos à espera de facilidades. Aterrámos no Porto bem cedinho e desembarcámos todos os passageiros lá. O frio lá fora era imenso, especialmente depois de termos vindo do calorzinho de Luanda!
The Luanda-Oporto flight was very demanding with difficult passengers - mainly Portuguese people that work in Angola and were going to Portugal for Christmas. We landed very early in the morning and the cold weather outside made a clear contrast agains the warm temperatures of Luanda.
23 Dezembro | December
The Luanda-Oporto flight was very demanding with difficult passengers - mainly Portuguese people that work in Angola and were going to Portugal for Christmas. We landed very early in the morning and the cold weather outside made a clear contrast agains the warm temperatures of Luanda.
23 Dezembro | December
Aguardámos então a partida para Lisboa para todos podermos passar o Natal em casa e com a família.
After disembarking all passengers it was our turn to wait for the departure clearence to Lisboa, have a quick rest and spend Christmas with our families.
After disembarking all passengers it was our turn to wait for the departure clearence to Lisboa, have a quick rest and spend Christmas with our families.
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Vista do terminal de OPO a partir do L-1011
OPO terminal seen from the L-1011 |
Ansiava já a descolagem. Seria interessante avaliar a performance do L-1011 vazio e com pouco combustível para um voo tão curto!
I was anxious to appreciate our take-off performance - we would fly empty only with the fuel necessary for such a short flight!
I was anxious to appreciate our take-off performance - we would fly empty only with the fuel necessary for such a short flight!
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Teste das superfícies de controlo durante o taxi para a pista 35 Flight controls test during taxi to runway 35 |
E finalmente aqui fica o vídeo da poderosa descolagem!
And finally the video I made of our powerful take-off!
Aterragem na pista 03, em Lisboa.
Landing on runway 03, in Lisboa.
And finally the video I made of our powerful take-off!
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Sombra da entrada de ar do motor #2 no extradorso da asa! Shadow of #2 engine intake over the wing's upper surface! |
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Vista aérea de Peniche Aerial view of Peniche peninsula |
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Base Aérea de Sintra
Sintra Air Base |
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Aeródromo de Cascais em Tires
Cascais Aerodrome |
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Costa da Caparica, já com flaps 22
Costa da Caparica - already with flaps 22 |
Landing on runway 03, in Lisboa.
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Sem prémio para quem tentar adivinhar o avião! Durante o taxi-in Taxi-in to the gate. Without prizes for guessing the plane! |
Finalmente estacionados no parque Echo
And finally parked in apron 'Echo' |
Depois foram as despedidas e os votos de bom Natal a todos :) O blog vai voltar brevemente com mais voos e estadias que ainda estão por contar!
Then, already at the terminal, we all said good bye to each other together with the wishes of a Merry Christmas :) The blog will return soon with more flights and stays that are yet to tell!
Then, already at the terminal, we all said good bye to each other together with the wishes of a Merry Christmas :) The blog will return soon with more flights and stays that are yet to tell!
A Air France pressegue-me... eles sentem mesmo a minha falta ;)
Continua assim com o blog, fantástico!
Viajar no 24F é confortável? Não existe muito baralho vindo do WC?
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