Flying to Dakar
Maio | May 2008
Maio | May 2008
Esta podia ter sido a minha última operação na Luzair, mas acabou por não ser. A verdade é que nesse mês de Maio tentei desfrutar ao máximo todos os minutos passados a bordo do L-1011 como se fossem os últimos.
This was supposed to be my last mission with Luzair. This month of May I tried to enjoy all moments aboard the L-1011 the maximum I could as if it was the last time. In fact, I never knew it.
This was supposed to be my last mission with Luzair. This month of May I tried to enjoy all moments aboard the L-1011 the maximum I could as if it was the last time. In fact, I never knew it.
A jornada seria bem longa, mas nem por isso a boa disposição deixou de imperar. O destino final seria Dakar que tão boas recordações me traz de uma das operações que mais gostei de fazer na Luzair entre essa cidade e Bruxelas, ao serviço da Brussels Airlines. Mas desta vez fomos voar para a Air Méditerranée.
It would be a long journey but the good mood among us was a constant all the time. Our final destination was Dakar, which brings me so many nice memories from previous operations, particularly when flying from Brussels to Dakar for Brussels Airlines. This time we were chartered by Air Méditerranée.
Ao sermos transportados para o nosso avião, passámos ao largo desta outra raridade na frota mundial de aviões - um B747SP.
While on our way from the terminal to the remote position where our L-1011 was parked I could spot this other rarity - a B747SP from Qatar.
CS-TMP, our L-1011, was parked as usual on the apron 'B' in front of TAP's main Hangar.
The LIS-LYS leg was a position flight (without passengers) so I decided to videotape our landing in Lyon.
A foto possível em contra-luz...
I knew in advance that an ex-Air Transat L-1011 without any titles was permanently parked at Lyon-Saint Exupéry Airport after it flew through a cumulonimbus cloud that caused severe damage beyond economical repair. Knowing this, I tried to "convince" my colleagues that we would meet our other L-1011 (CS-TMR) in this airport because it was also painted with a blue tail!
Other unusual sight in this airport, is this Caravelle, also retired from service.
In Lyon we boarded our first passengers and we would have a stop in Marseilles before proceeding to Dakar. I was part of the crew that would be on duty only during the last leg to Dakar. I was seated in the last economy rows and I tried to be discreet while taking photos.
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Pouco depois após a descolagem de Lyon
Short after departure from Lyon |
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Aproximação final a Marselha Direct Lift Control working |
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Final approach to Marseilles (MRS) |
E finalmente aterrámos...
And finally we landed...
E foi a partir daqui que a minha tripulação tomou conta do CS-TMP. Do voo para Dakar não tenho grande memória pelo que deve ter sido um voo absolutamente tranquilo e sem história para contar. Fui como B1 após ter-me sido dada a hipótese de escolher a posição no briefing. A verdade é que era a posição que mais gostava de ocupar no L-1011. O B1 era o responsável da galley do meio, uma galley mais pequena onde normalmente só trabalham dois elementos e é na prática uma galley de apoio. Existem apenas dois fornos pelo que há poucas cocottes para contar e aquecer. Existia até um slogan "maldoso" que rezava assim "o Bê Um não faz nenhum!". Mas na verdade, o elemento nessa posição fazia demonstrações e saía para o serviço como qualquer outro. A única coisa que o B1 estava dispensado de fazer era o check de cintos, costas das cadeiras, mesas e equipamento electrónico antes das descolagens e aterragens, pois os responsáveis de galley ficavam nas mesmas a verificar que todo o equipamento estava travado e bloqueado.
From now on it was my crew that took the responsability to take the aircraft. I don't have remember that much about this flight so I assume it was a smooth one without anything special to tell. I assumed a Mid Galley position (B1) which I was allowed to chose during our briefing. It was the position I most enjoyed in the L-1011. The Mid Galley was just a support galley with just two ovens.
And finally we landed...
From now on it was my crew that took the responsability to take the aircraft. I don't have remember that much about this flight so I assume it was a smooth one without anything special to tell. I assumed a Mid Galley position (B1) which I was allowed to chose during our briefing. It was the position I most enjoyed in the L-1011. The Mid Galley was just a support galley with just two ovens.
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Cabine após desembarque em Dakar
Economy cabin after disembark in Dakar |
Julgando todos que seria o meu último voo na Luzair e apesar do cansaço, foi tempo para fotografias e boa disposição!
Everyone thought that this would my last flight while working with Luzair and despite all of us being tired, it was time take some photos and record that special moment for me.
Everyone thought that this would my last flight while working with Luzair and despite all of us being tired, it was time take some photos and record that special moment for me.
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A típica humidade no ar em África
Typical African humidity in the air
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Última foto do CS-TMP enquanto tripulante? Acabou por não ser! My last photo of CS-TMP as a crew member (well, it wasn't!) |
E finalmente a foto de família! Foi a tripulação da mangueira mas foi uma tripulação bem porreira. Um dos dois elementos femininos estava justamente a tirar a foto.
And finally, the group photo! Almost an entirely male crew except for the colleague who took the photo!
And finally, the group photo! Almost an entirely male crew except for the colleague who took the photo!
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Crew @ DKR |
Desta vez ficámos no hotel N'Gor mesmo em frente à ilha de... N'Gor!
This time, we stayed in N'Gor hotel situated in a bay in front of N'Gor island.
Chegada ao hotel, um bom duche e a tripulação ficou num serão agradável no quarto do Cmdte.
After check-in, I took a good shower and we all met in the commander's room for a nice evening in a convivial atmosphere.
No dia seguinte, deparei-me com esta fantástica vista do quarto do hotel que convidava mesmo a descer até à praia.
The following day, I woke up with this wonderful view from my hotel room. It was really tempting to go down there to the beach.
Toda a tripulação decidiu ir almoçar à ilha de N'Gor mesmo ali em frente e para isso comprámos um bilhete para embarcar numa batela que faria o curto percurso de aproximadamente 5 minutos.
Every crew members decided to go to have lunch at N'Gor island so we all bought tickets for a small boat that would take us there in a short trip of 5 minutes.
Almoçámos um bom peixe grelhado. Tive também a oportunidade de experimentar manga verde com sal, pelos vistos muito apreciada em certos locais de África. Após o prolongado repasto, abandonámos a ilha e regressámos à praia de N'Gor onde pudémos assistir a uma modalidade de competição amadora praticada entre os locais, em que o objectivo era, sem recurso à violência, atirar o adversário ao chão.
A tasty grilled fish was our menu. I also had the opportunity to taste immature green mango with salt, which seems to be very appreciated here. After the prolonged lunch, we abandoned the island and returned to N'Gor beach where we spent some minutes seeing a sort of typical wrestling played by the locals.
Foi então hora de trabalhar para o bronze na praia.
Then, time to get some tan at the beach.
Posteriormente, alguns colegas quiseram percorrer as proximidades do hotel no intuito de comprar tabaco. Apesar de não fumar, acompanhei-os pois é sempre uma oportunidade de observar mais de perto uma civilização tão diferente da nossa. O facto de ser não-fumador trazia-me a enorme desvantagem - repetidas vezes apontada por alguns colegas - de não poder poupar dinheiro a comprar tabaco no estrangeiro!
After that, some colleagues wanted to look for tobacco in the vicinity of the hotel and I went with them although I don't smoke myself. But it was an opportunity to see a little bit more of the city, so different from what we are used to. Tobacco was cheaper in Dakar so my colleagues wanted to take the opportunity to get a good deal before going back to Europe.
A culminar um dia muito bem passado em Dakar, fomos jantar a um restaurante juntamente com um grupo de portugueses que encontrámos por lá.
And to end a great day in Dakar, we went to have dinner in a restaurant together with a group of Portuguese people we met.
Regressaríamos a Lisboa nessa noite, posicionados num voo da TAP efectuado em A321.
We would return to Lisbon that night, deadheading on a TAP flight operated by an Airbus A321.
This time, we stayed in N'Gor hotel situated in a bay in front of N'Gor island.
After check-in, I took a good shower and we all met in the commander's room for a nice evening in a convivial atmosphere.
No dia seguinte, deparei-me com esta fantástica vista do quarto do hotel que convidava mesmo a descer até à praia.
The following day, I woke up with this wonderful view from my hotel room. It was really tempting to go down there to the beach.
Toda a tripulação decidiu ir almoçar à ilha de N'Gor mesmo ali em frente e para isso comprámos um bilhete para embarcar numa batela que faria o curto percurso de aproximadamente 5 minutos.
Every crew members decided to go to have lunch at N'Gor island so we all bought tickets for a small boat that would take us there in a short trip of 5 minutes.
A tasty grilled fish was our menu. I also had the opportunity to taste immature green mango with salt, which seems to be very appreciated here. After the prolonged lunch, we abandoned the island and returned to N'Gor beach where we spent some minutes seeing a sort of typical wrestling played by the locals.
Foi então hora de trabalhar para o bronze na praia.
Then, time to get some tan at the beach.
Posteriormente, alguns colegas quiseram percorrer as proximidades do hotel no intuito de comprar tabaco. Apesar de não fumar, acompanhei-os pois é sempre uma oportunidade de observar mais de perto uma civilização tão diferente da nossa. O facto de ser não-fumador trazia-me a enorme desvantagem - repetidas vezes apontada por alguns colegas - de não poder poupar dinheiro a comprar tabaco no estrangeiro!
After that, some colleagues wanted to look for tobacco in the vicinity of the hotel and I went with them although I don't smoke myself. But it was an opportunity to see a little bit more of the city, so different from what we are used to. Tobacco was cheaper in Dakar so my colleagues wanted to take the opportunity to get a good deal before going back to Europe.
A culminar um dia muito bem passado em Dakar, fomos jantar a um restaurante juntamente com um grupo de portugueses que encontrámos por lá.
And to end a great day in Dakar, we went to have dinner in a restaurant together with a group of Portuguese people we met.
Regressaríamos a Lisboa nessa noite, posicionados num voo da TAP efectuado em A321.
We would return to Lisbon that night, deadheading on a TAP flight operated by an Airbus A321.
1 comment:
Mais um report fantástico!
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