Weekend in New York - Part II
Outubro | October 2006
Antes de mais, o título desta segunda parte podia ser também "You have to be Roman Catholic to get to Heaven". Mas para não ter a NYPD à perna decidi manter o anterior!
The title for this second part could have been "You have to Roman Catholic to get to Heaven". But to avoid problems with NYPD, I decided to keep the previous one!
Outubro | October 2006
The title for this second part could have been "You have to Roman Catholic to get to Heaven". But to avoid problems with NYPD, I decided to keep the previous one!
Domingo | Sunday
Domingo | Sunday
A manhã começou a estrear o novo equipamento fotográfico à luz do dia, a partir do local onde estávamos alojados.
The morning started checking the new photography equipment at daylight, from the place we were hosted.
The morning started checking the new photography equipment at daylight, from the place we were hosted.
Em destaque, o Empire State Building, o antigo edifício da Pan Am (agora com títulos MetLife) e o Chrysler.
Three highlights in the same photo: the Empire State, the MetLife Building (previously, Pan Am Building) and the iconic Chrysler.
Three highlights in the same photo: the Empire State, the MetLife Building (previously, Pan Am Building) and the iconic Chrysler.
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World Financial Center |
After that we walked towards Exchange Place hoping to find a good view of the Statue of Liberty. Halfway and perpendicular to the Ground Zero we found this memorial. I believe that the twisted steel bars were from the Twin Towers.
E o melhor que conseguimos ver da Estátua da Liberdade a partir de Jersey City.
And this was our best view of Lady Liberty, seen from Jersey City.
Apanhámos então o serviço PATH até à estação do WTC. Sinceramente, não estava nada à espera de "desembarcar" mesmo no meio do Ground Zero. É de certa forma arrepiante de repente vermo-nos no local onde tudo se passou. A estação do PATH no WTC foi reconstruída de forma provisória.
Then we took the PATH service to the World Trade Center station. I didn't expect to disembark right in the middle of Ground Zero. You get a shiver down your spine when you suddenly realize you are in the place where everything happened. This World Trade Center PATH station is provisional.
Then we took the PATH service to the World Trade Center station. I didn't expect to disembark right in the middle of Ground Zero. You get a shiver down your spine when you suddenly realize you are in the place where everything happened. This World Trade Center PATH station is provisional.
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World Trade Center PATH station |

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Ground Zero |
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À direita o novo WTC7 então inaugurado há pouco tempo At the right, the new WTC7 recently inaugurated |
After Ground Zero we walked to the Brooklyn Bridge. Some of the views...
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Brooklyn Bridge |
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Lower Manhattan vista da Brooklyn Bridge Lower Manhattan seen from Brooklyn Bridge |
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ESB igualmente visto a partir da Brooklyn Bridge Empire State also seen from Brooklyn Bridge |
We used the subway to go up in Mahattan Island. Our next goal was to visit the aircraft carrier Intrepid.
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Reuters |
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Intrepid |
Infelizmente o Intrepid estava fechado para remodelações... Almoço e caminhada em direcção ao Rockefeller Center.
Unfortunately, Intrepid was closed for renovation... Time for lunch and after that, we walked towards Rockefeller Center.
Halfway our walk, an opportunity for a curious photo - this is New York!!
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You have to be Roman Catholic to get to Heaven A NYPD é que não parece muito convencida! NYPD officer doesn't seem too conviced! |
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O buliço da cidade cosmopolita The bustle of the cosmopolitan city |
Ao Domingo, uma feira em plena 6th Ave cortada ao trânsito para o efeito!
A street fair in 6th Ave - no traffic allowed today!
Terminámos o nosso passeio por Nova Iorque tomando café num típico Starbucks onde encontrámos, como em muitos outros lugares, uma portuguesa residente que meteu conversa connosco!
We ended our weekend in New York drinking coffee in a Starbucks where we met (like almost everywhere) a Portuguese a fellow countrywoman that listened to us speaking in Portuguese and decided to talk to us too!
We ended our weekend in New York drinking coffee in a Starbucks where we met (like almost everywhere) a Portuguese a fellow countrywoman that listened to us speaking in Portuguese and decided to talk to us too!
Já pressionados pelo tempo regressámos ao nosso hotel para seguirmos de imediato para o aeroporto de Newark.
Already short on time we returned to our hotel to take our things and go straight to the airport.
Already short on time we returned to our hotel to take our things and go straight to the airport.
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O nosso hotel | Candlewood Suites |
Although everything seemed under control, we made confusion with the PATH service and we spent several minutes waiting for a train that didn't work on Sundays.
Depois de conscientes do erro que estávamos a cometer, apanhámos o PATH até Journal Square e aí um taxi até ao aeroporto que nem ficou caro por sermos 3. Chegámos a EWR, já o balcão de check-in da TAP estava a fechar. Teria sido chato perder o avião embora com os nossos bilhetes ID não fosse catastrófico. Bastava mudar a reserva de refeição e tentávamos no dia seguinte sem mais problemas.
After we were aware of our mistake, we took the PATH to Journal Square and then a taxi that wasn't that expensive divided by three. When we arrived at EWR, the check-in counter was already closing. It would be bothersome to miss that flight but our staff tickets allowed us to take the next flight without any penalty (but always subject to seat availability).
Mas tudo correu bem. Avião longe de estar cheio e ainda foi possível pedir dois lugares à janela mesmo que implicasse ficarmos separados, mas a fuselagem em conjunto com uma almofada é boa para encostar a cabeça e domir! Passámos as formalidades e quando chegámos à sala de embarque estava lá sentada a nossa tripulação. O A310 partiu atrasado de Lisboa e ainda estavam em limpezas.
But everything just went fine and we made it. The aircraft was far from full and it was even possible to ask for two window seats so at least two of us could lean our heads and have a comfortable rest during the flight. After the security control we went to the boarding gate where we learned that our flight was a little bit delayed. The A310 departed late from Lisbon and the cleaning staff was still inside doing their job while the cabin crew was also waiting seated near the boarding gate.
Our return flight would be flown with the Airbus A310-300 with registration CS-TEJ and under Captain Melo Correia's command, as announced via PA.
Calhou-me o 8J, na primeira cabine de económica, mesmo ao lado do potente e impressionante General Electric CF6 da asa direita do Airbus A310. Se o voo tivesse sido de dia, teria preferido um lugar atrás da asa, para observar o movimento dos flaps e ailerons como aconteceu no A330. A última vez que voei em A310 foi em 2000 mas continua a ser seguramente o modelo de avião no qual tenho mais horas voadas como passageiro e é sempre um avião simpático, compacto e com uma cabine acolhedora.
I got seat 8J in the first cabin of the economy class, side by side with the powerful and impressive General Electric CF6 engine under the right wing. If it was a day flight, I would have preferred a seat behind the wing to observe the flaps and ailerons' movement like it happened on the previous flight. The last time I flew an A310 was in 2000 but almost for sure it remains the model in which I collected more flying hours as a passenger. I find the A310 a nice and compact airplane with a cozy cabin.
Push-back was unusually lengthy. Engines were both started and our A310 proceeded to the taxiway. After some minutes stopped on the taxiway, the Captain decides do address the passengers, a welcome speech to inform that we were number seven in sequence for take-off which would take place in about 10 minutes. He also informed that after take-off, Manhattan Island would show up on our left.
Descolámos finalmente na pista 22R com uma corrida bastante curta, a demonstrar a força do A310. Volta pela direita que me permitiu ver também do meu lugar a ilha de Manhattan e distinguir claramente o Empire State Building e o Chrysler. A subida não foi contínua (provavelmente devido a tráfego ou à própria SID) pois estivémos algum tempo a sobrevoar a uma altitude relativamente baixa e passámos próximos da vertical da uptown.
We took off from runway 22R, a very short roll showing the power of the A310. Then followed a right turn that allowed me to also see Manhattan Island from my seat even though I was on the right side. I could clear distinguish the Empire State and Chrysler silhouettes. Our climb was not continuous problably due to traffic or maybe because it was an SID restriction. We spent some minutes flying at a relatively low altitude and we passed very near to the vertical of the uptown.
Tal como no voo de ida, foi distribuida antecipadamente a ementa!
As in the outgoing flight, the menu was distributed to the passengers!
O lugar 8J tem um ligeiro inconveniente: o vacuum flush dos lavabos do A310 é bastante ruidoso e existe um lavabo mesmo atrás.
The movie for this flight was the animation "Over the Hedge". Even if I was tired and sleepy I tried to watch it but the distorted sound of the A310 audio system made me give up fast. I leaned my head on the window, closed my eyes and tried to sleep.
My seat 8J had a little inconvenience: the vaccum flush system of the toilet right behind me was really annoying.
Cruzeiro suave e sem grande turbulência. A meio do voo, enquanto abria e fechava os olhos ainda consegui ver luzes em algumas ilhas do arquipélago dos Açores. Volto a adormecer mais um bocado e acordo definitivamente perto do nascer do sol.
Smooth cruise without any relevant turbulence. Halfway the Atlantic I was able to spot lights on some islands of the Azores Archipelago. I fell asleep again and finally woke up just before the sunrise.
Descida para Lisboa abrupta com o avião a tomar uma atitude bastante negativa e com recurso, durante algum tempo, aos spoilers. Ao alcançarmos a costa portuguesa, sobrevoámos a Ericeira pelo que a aterragem seria na pista 21. Entrámos na "sopa" com chuva à escorrer pela janela. Contudo, sem grande turbulência na final. Aterragem perfeita: bastante suave! Os reversers foram apenas armados e lá fomos para o nosso stand numa das placas remotas.
Steep descent to Lisbon with a very negative attitude and making use of airbrakes during a considerable period of time. We reached the Portuguese Coast over Ericeira and we would be landing on runway 21. While descending we entered inside a thick cloud layer and I could notice water running over the windows - it was raining in Lisbon! However we didn't have turbulence during our final approach and we even experienced a very smooth touchdown. Idle reverse and then we proceeded to a remote parking position.
Um agradecimento especial aos amigos que me desafiaram para este fim-de-semana e que foram os autores das fotografias. Valeu bem a pena!
A special thanks goes to my friends (the authors of the photos) that defied me for such an amazing trip and weekend.
I promise to return soon to my reports with the Flying Sword: the L-1011 CS-TMP!
1 comment:
Este report também me fez lembrar a minha estadia de 1 semana em NY em 2002, 5 meses após o 11 de Setembro. Sinceramente não fiquei rendida aos encantos da cidade. Mas gostei da época dos saldos :P
Penso lá voltar um dia destes, mas nunca será a minha cidade de eleição, longe disso... ainda para mais não tenho grande simpatia pelos americanos :P
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