LisbonJet's Logbook
published by Site

Turin Airport & Madeira Island

Another new airport for me...

Turin Airport

Alitalia A320

Air Italy 737 EI-IGR

From the jetway - waiting for the passengers...

Cabin cleaned and ready for boarding!

Return flight - wild landscape

That day I would continue the journey to Funchal and sleep there. I couldn't resist taking more pictures of our little paradise in the middle of the Atlantic. The view is the same as in August 2008, but I just can't get enough of it.

From my room's balcony

The magnificent pools of our hotel.

Shining ocean...

Sea and sun... do I need more?

Awesome Madeira Island!

Strolling around Geneva - Part II

So let's go for the last set of photos of this layover in Geneva, in September 2008. I already have the roster for the next month and if everything goes according to plan, I will be back in Geneva again. However it will be on a Sunday - not so awesome. I want to visit La Librairie de l'Aviation but guess what... closed on Sundays!

The tram

Who will win this race?

Get ready! Set...

... Go!

Nice architecture buildings...

And of course there has to be something related to aviation in this blog dedicated to planes and places: Swissair - an old icon of Switzerland which unfortunately disappeared shortly after the 9/11.

Swissair MD-11 model

Lac Léman

Lovely swans

Funny duck

Awesome blue sky

Kids playing...

Does this pretend to be a beach?

The famous geyser!

And we took a boat to the other side of the lake.

Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream.

Brave girls in cold waters....

... Brrrrrr...

They have been warned, though...

See you soon Geneva!

Berlin - Schönefeld Airport

Berlin is one of our new destinations that started this summer. Unfortunately there are no layovers there. As this was my first flight to this airport, I took some photos during the turnaround.

Some clouds in the sky but temperature was still hot that day, although we are already in September.

"D. Afonso Henriques"

Boeing 737 of Egyptair and our Airbus' wing

TAP Portugal A320

I like these colours...

CFM56 engine

During the flight I was curious about my purser's necessaire... Can you find "I  Berlin"? Maybe one day I can say it :)

A330 inside Hangar 6 @ LIS

Some unusual photos at night with the hangar opened and showing Airbus A330 CS-TOG during maintenance works.

Again at Manchester Airport...

This was my second flight to this airport (MAN): first one here. This time we parked near a beautiful Etihad A330-200 so I took the opportunity to take some pictures.

Dark clouds @ MAN

F1 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix markings

Rolls Royce Trent

Wings challenge: A319 vs. A330... and the winner is... bah!

On the other side we had this Thomas Cook A321.


Although we had some demanding passengers (specially on the first leg) with lots of gin and tonic served, this was a pleasant flight with the aircraft always on schedule, an A319 (the best aircraft of the fleet to work on) and a nice crew.

During the flight I noticed a little but very interesting detail on a container. Can you also find it in this first photo?

Catering container

OK, let's zoom it!

TAP logos

Yes! The two old logos, particularly that one from the 60's and 70's caught my attention! I believe this is an artistic note of someone skilled and nostalgic about those times and not an official marking! Otherwise this container have been flying since the 70s! I really don't believe that, despite some really old and worn-out containers can be found on some flights. On the other hand, the 2nd logo from the 80s (my all-time favorite) is still easily seen.

But wait... There's more to show about this container! If you open it, on the inside you would find another logo!

Air Atlantis

Air Atlantis was the charter branch of TAP Air Portugal from mid 80s to early 90s. The airline was closed in 1993 so I guess this container has been flying for at least some 19/20 years.

And a final photo of a TNT 737 after we arrived back in Lisbon.

sure we can