LisbonJet's Logbook
published by Site

Berlin - Schönefeld Airport

Berlin is one of our new destinations that started this summer. Unfortunately there are no layovers there. As this was my first flight to this airport, I took some photos during the turnaround.

Some clouds in the sky but temperature was still hot that day, although we are already in September.

"D. Afonso Henriques"

Boeing 737 of Egyptair and our Airbus' wing

TAP Portugal A320

I like these colours...

CFM56 engine

During the flight I was curious about my purser's necessaire... Can you find "I  Berlin"? Maybe one day I can say it :)


Ana ✈ said...

Vá, vamos lá ao que interessa: esses necessaires compram-se onde?

LisbonJet said...

Acho que me foi dito, mas entretanto esqueci-me :P

Ana ✈ said...

Tssss... Os homens nunca retêm os pormenores importantes!

LisbonJet said...

Tenho boas notícias!

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