LisbonJet's Logbook
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08 February 2013

VFR flying - Évora

As part of my flight training to obtain my PPL license, today I did a cross-country flight from Cascais to Évora. It was windy and bumpy but nothing that could threaten a mighty Cessna 152 and a pilot with yet some very basic flying skills.

Let's start with some sunbathing cows.

Évora on our left side...

And finally the airfield in sight... We didn't get lost after all!

Overflying the airfield to join the circuit pattern and land on runway 01.

After paying the landing fee we would take-off again to do the inverse way back to Cascais. But I asked my instructor if it was possible to overfly the city of Évora and take some photos. We granted permission from the ATC and here they are:

Shortly after take-off...

You can see the city walls...

Aqueduct of Silver Water

And finally leaving Évora and overflying a mine while regaining our original track.

It was a nice flight!

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