LisbonJet's Logbook
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I'm again in Helsinki. I arrived yesterday in the early morning after another easy flight. I can only remember the first time I dealed with finnish passengers when I was at Luzair. We were doing flights to Air Finland(*) between Helsinki and Bangkok or Phnom Penh and before those flights I was afraid they would drink alot and give us some hard working hours. But the Finns are in fact one of the most civilized passengers I ever saw. Yesterday, more than 95% of our passengers were Finns.

This time I was assigned to work in Business Class. During boarding I could remember some words in finnish and tried Tervetuloa with some nice looking girls. They smiled and replied kiitos! Other passengers would reply obrigado in portuguese. I really had some fun during boarding.

After a very long sleep I left the hotel and walked through the very same places I was a year ago. But this time alone and with much colder temperatures. However I'm still amazed with the beauty and fascination of this city.

Today I'm going to visit Kiasma and I will leave tomorrow afternoon. The weather forecast indicates a maximum temperature of 4ºC for today! Brrrrr Unfortunately, no snow...

(*)Now they have really nice colors on their planes!

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