LisbonJet's Logbook
by Site

20 September 2012

Strolling around Geneva - Part II

So let's go for the last set of photos of this layover in Geneva, in September 2008. I already have the roster for the next month and if everything goes according to plan, I will be back in Geneva again. However it will be on a Sunday - not so awesome. I want to visit La Librairie de l'Aviation but guess what... closed on Sundays!

The tram

Who will win this race?

Get ready! Set...

... Go!

Nice architecture buildings...

And of course there has to be something related to aviation in this blog dedicated to planes and places: Swissair - an old icon of Switzerland which unfortunately disappeared shortly after the 9/11.

Swissair MD-11 model

Lac Léman

Lovely swans

Funny duck

Awesome blue sky

Kids playing...

Does this pretend to be a beach?

The famous geyser!

And we took a boat to the other side of the lake.

Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream.

Brave girls in cold waters....

... Brrrrrr...

They have been warned, though...

See you soon Geneva!


Ana ✈ said...

Hmmmm...olha que a última vez que eu disse que ia para Genebra... :p Have fun!

LisbonJet said...

Shhh não digas nada... Estou aqui a acender uma velinha para que altere para Bruxelas também! eh eh eh

Ana ✈ said...


Vinte Mil Léguas Aeronáuticas said...

Olá, primeira vez que venho aqui, e gostei bastante. Parabéns pelas estórias, virei seguidor!!!!

Abraços e bons voos.

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