LisbonJet's Logbook
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Last flight of the year

I've been on reserve this whole month of December but I was lucky to spend Christmas at home. After Christmas I was called for a flight to Miami.

Low temperatures unusual for Miami and lots of rain made me remember when I was caught off guard, in January 2018, by that time because of the cold wave/polar vortex shift in North America. This time I was prepared with proper clothing.

This was my room view and I took the picture before started to rain.

Aviation geeks will guess just what I thought when I was given this room number. A proper vintage Boeing of course...

As a curiosity, from my room I could see that almost nothing was left from the iconic Miami Beach hotel 'Deauville Beach Resort', which was closed and abandoned since 2017 due to a fire and damage caused by hurricane Irma. Deauville Beach Resort hosted several celebrities, including the band 'Beatles'.

This was a very short layover and the next day after our arrival, we left to our home base, Lisboa.

Airbus A330-941, tail number CS-TUN, named "D. Fuas Roupinho" was the aircraft on the return flight.

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